13 Ways to Spoil Your Groomsmen

Today’s #MCM goes out to all those tux-renting, scotch-sipping, toast-giving gentlemen getting ready to send their buddy down the aisle. Bridesmaids get all the fuss usually, for silly things like waking up at 6am to get ready, calming down a hangry, verge-of-zilla-bride, abstaining from champagne until aforementioned bride’s wedding day timeline allows it, and trying not to sweat through 8 lbs of makeup or wince through 6 inch heels. Meanwhile, the groomsmen are doing the heavy lifting by sitting around casually, drinking beer and/or scotch, before putting on their rented apparel 15 minutes before go time. Let’s hear it for the boys. But in all seriousness, your groom’s besties deserve a thank you as well. They kept him out of trouble before you came along, convinced him to break up with his crazy ex, gave you their hearty stamp of approval, and may or may not have heeded his “no strippers” rule for the bachelor party. Maybe. All that aside, they are the men who your groom loves, the guys who will be in your life for the rest of it, and chances are you’ve got your own flesh and blood brother or two standing up with him at the altar. Let’s spoil the groomsmen a little, shall we? Here are 13 more great groomsmen gifts – besides our always popular groomsmen hatchet idea. Click on any of the images below for the shop and or source!
Every man needs a great dopp kit. These monogram embossed leather ones are manly, and classic, and we’re obsessed.
Keep them full and happy until cocktail hour’s appetizers with mason jars full of easy to eat and tasty snacks. Caramel corn certainly fits the bill!
You can n-e-v-e-r go wrong with cuff links. Splurge here – remember, we’re spoiling them – and get them a gorgeous pair they’ll love forever. This also makes an excellent best man’s gift, if you can only swing one pair.
If you really want to splurge, you can order them custom suits from a company like Indochino – or maybe just pick up the cost of their jackets. These groomsmen look sleek, stylish, and well fitted. Also, you need to watch the video front his wedding, below. It’s by the same production company that designed this epically weird proposal video that involves a large, shirtless man (not the groom), a falcon, a horse, and confetti.
Quang + Ellie: Slow Motion Booth from Super Frog Saves Tokyo on Vimeo.
Back to the groomsmen. Here’s where we enter the “booze” portion of the gift inspiration.
If your guys are big on brew, give them a nice little case to take their favorite suds around to picnics with their own wives and girlfriends. Or, you know, Fantasy Football drafts if they’re very particular about what they’ll be drinking. And if they are, all the better for you to pack their favorite microbrews in this masculine caddy.
For a bottle opener that’s a little more portable than the one attached to the caddy, why not give your guys a personalized credit card opener? Major upgrade from those flip flops they used in college. (Ew, and WHY?)
Finally, for the friend who’s never armed with less than three koozies, give him the classiest tailgating accessory around.
If they’re less into suds and more into duds (sorry, had to) then complete the ultimate OCD bride’s dream: perfectly mismatched mix and match groomsmen ties. You get the pictures you drool over on Pinterest, they get a sweet new tie, personalized to suit their individual style (seriously ladies, don’t put your Hipster little brother in a seersucker bow tie when your groom’s best man is from Charleston. Put some thought into it.)
We still love the idea of a hot shave for the guys the morning of the wedding. So relaxing, so masculine, so classic. BUT: don’t do this for your guys unless they’ve all had hot shaves before. Just like you wouldn’t get a haircut/highlights.spray tang he day of your wedding for the first time, neither should your groomsmen. Read this great interveiew. instead of bringing in a hot shave barber, you can also give your guys the gift of facial hair that keeps on giving – Dollar Shave Club! They’ll have fresh razor blades for as long as you subscribe them, baby smooth for months on end.
Here are several reasons why we love this idea. 1) we already mentioned the ladies’ uncomfortable shoes, but at least they’re used to it. They also probably had the foresight to break in their shoes and bring a pair of flats to change into. 2) The guys probably did neither of those things, and yes they’ll still need to break in those Converse, but that’s a lot less painful than breaking in patent leather dress shoes. And what better way to break in sweet new kicks than on the dance floor at your best friends’ wedding?
Our last two gifts are the brainchild of The Art of Manliness, but hey, when you’re looking for the best ideas, it’s wise to turn to the experts. Their suggestions?
A practical, but thoughtful Louisville slugger, engraved with a personal message – something he’ll get use of whether he’s the athletic type or prefers a hands on approach to things that go bump in the night.
And, a pocket knife. Not the crappy kind you can buy in bulk and have engraved, a real one that they’ll “ love to carry around and want to pass on to their son.” Aww! Ahem, manly.
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