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Craigslist Offer to Trade Wedding Band set for Broncos Chiefs Tickets

Craigslist Offer to Trade Wedding Band set for Broncos Chiefs Tickets

 Craig’s List is renowned as the place online where anyone can find anything. You can buy used items, sell used items and even barter your stuff for something you might want or need. Jewelry is a common item posted for sale, but recently a devoted wife from Overland Park posted a strange bartering arrangement in hopes of giving her husband an unforgettable birthday.

On December 1st the Kansas City Chiefs and the Denver Broncos will play at Arrowhead. There are many fans that are greatly anticipating this game. Many women find their husband’s affinity and anticipation of such games to be an annoying waste of time. However, for one Overland Park wife the opposite is true. This particular spouse overheard her husband commenting that this game between the Chiefs and the Broncos was almost certain to be the best game anyone will ever see. His wife immediately began trying to figure out a way to make sure her husband could attend this game which will closely coincide to his fortieth birthday.

Unfortunately, she quickly came to the conclusion that there was no way she would ever be able to come up with the extra cash in time to purchase the tickets. Like many resourceful people are likely to do, she began trying to think of something she had that would be valuable enough to sell or trade for the tickets to this coveted event. She soon realized that the only thing she had even close to the value of the tickets was her treasured wedding band set.

In true O’Henry fashion, she quickly decided to post the beautiful wedding band set on Craigslist. The simple post states, “Will trade diamond wedding ring for Chiefs vs. Broncos Tickets. I have a nice diamond ring and wedding band set that was appraised at $3100 that I want to trade for Kansas City Chief tickets to the 12/1 game.”

“Nice,” might be an understatement considering the quality and beauty of this lovely wedding band set. The post describes the engagement ring as a brilliant-cut, round diamond. The .45 carat diamond is set in white gold. The white gold band holds twenty more similar diamonds that total .50 carats. The wedding band is just as impressive. The wedding band is made of similar white gold and contains ten additional diamonds that come to a grand total of .25 carats.

By any standards this is quite a set of jewelry to simply put up for trade. The author of the post has put the stipulation that she will only consider offers of lower or club levels. This only seems fair considering that the set is appraised at over $3100 dollars!

To many this might seem like an outrageous sacrifice so that someone could merely attend a football game. It is easy to see the similarities between this couple and the couple in the well-loved O’Henry story, “The Gift of the Magi.” In the story a husband and wife each sacrifice their most prized possession in order to buy the other spouse something they really wanted for Christmas.

When the end goal is to see the joy of someone you truly love, it is easy to understand that no sacrifice is too great.

Craig’s List is renowned as the place online where anyone can find anything. You can buy used items, sell used items and even barter your stuff for something you might want or need. Jewelry is a common item posted for sale, but recently a devoted wife from Overland Park posted a strange bartering arrangement in hopes of giving her husband an unforgettable birthday.

On December 1st the Kansas City Chiefs and the Denver Broncos will play at Arrowhead. There are many fans that are greatly anticipating this game. Many women find their husband’s affinity and anticipation of such games to be an annoying waste of time. However, for one Overland Park wife the opposite is true. This particular spouse overheard her husband commenting that this game between the Chiefs and the Broncos was almost certain to be the best game anyone will ever see. His wife immediately began trying to figure out a way to make sure her husband could attend this game which will closely coincide to his fortieth birthday.

Unfortunately, she quickly came to the conclusion that there was no way she would ever be able to come up with the extra cash in time to purchase the tickets. Like many resourceful people are likely to do, she began trying to think of something she had that would be valuable enough to sell or trade for the tickets to this coveted event. She soon realized that the only thing she had even close to the value of the tickets was her treasured wedding band set.

In true O’Henry fashion, she quickly decided to post the beautiful wedding band set on Craigslist. The simple post states, “Will trade diamond wedding ring for Chiefs vs. Broncos Tickets. I have a nice diamond ring and wedding band set that was appraised at $3100 that I want to trade for Kansas City Chief tickets to the 12/1 game.”

“Nice,” might be an understatement considering the quality and beauty of this lovely wedding band set. The post describes the engagement ring as a brilliant-cut, round diamond. The .45 carat diamond is set in white gold. The white gold band holds twenty more similar diamonds that total .50 carats. The wedding band is just as impressive. The wedding band is made of similar white gold and contains ten additional diamonds that come to a grand total of .25 carats.

By any standards this is quite a set of jewelry to simply put up for trade. The author of the post has put the stipulation that she will only consider offers of lower or club levels. This only seems fair considering that the set is appraised at over $3100 dollars!

To many this might seem like an outrageous sacrifice so that someone could merely attend a football game. It is easy to see the similarities between this couple and the couple in the well-loved O’Henry story, “The Gift of the Magi.” In the story a husband and wife each sacrifice their most prized possession in order to buy the other spouse something they really wanted for Christmas.

When the end goal is to see the joy of someone you truly love, it is easy to understand that no sacrifice is too great.


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