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Verifying a Cartier Love Bracelet

Verifying a Cartier Love Bracelet

Identify the fake cartier love bracelet

When it comes to Cartier Love bracelets, we don’t mess around. We don’t buy fakes, so we don’t sell fakes. Period. We are very stringent with our buying, even though Love bangles are consistently our most in-demand product. Rather than seeking them out, we buy them as they come into our store, which is a great way to narrow down our sellers, for the most part, to people who have outgrown their bangles, no longer want them, or would rather have the cash we pay handsomely for these must-have accessories. We’ve built our reputation on authentic pre-loved luxury, so we like to talk about Love bangles all the time.

Cartier Love bangles

Specifically, how to spot real vs. fake Cartier bracelets, and what to watch out for. So when we saw this infographic that uses our photos (albeit old, badly edited pics – we’ve updated them in the years since!) we knew we needed to repost. This image does a good job of summarizing our in depth real vs. fake Cartier breakdown, in easy to reference format. Keep it saved on your desktop, screen shots, or pin now and read later for a quick refresher when you’re hunting for Love bracelets online!

Identify the fake cartier love bracelet

And remember, whether you’re shopping for Cartier, a different luxury jewelry brand, diamonds, luxury watches, whatever, in the secondhand market, you can use our easy acronym:

  • Longevity: Decades of happy customers don’t lie.
  • Open Communication: Do they call you back? Facebook you? Text you? Direct message you videos of rings on Instagram when you request?
  • Verifiable: Do they have Yelp & eBay reviews? Will they show you proof of a diamond’s certification?
  • Easy Returns: Clearly stated, black and white, simple for you in case you or she doesn’t like the ring. Easy exchanges too if you want to try option B.


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