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Men's Guide to Wedding Planning

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Men's Guide to Wedding Planning

Wedding planning for men

When it comes to wedding planning, it’s widely respected that the groom has very little to do. His big moment to shine is the proposal. Much like the wedding, this takes advanced planning, a significant investment, the proper research for trusted vendors (well, just the one), and more attention to detail than the average person usually exercises. Think we’re kidding? Go with your fiance to a florist consultation once you pop the question. But really, that’s the first step, and the most important one every future groom approaches. We love working with our grooms who are hands on, eager to learn more, and above all, want to get the perfect ring for their beloved.

Gabriel Engagement Ring

We know you’ve got this part under control.

And if you read our blog, you know the first step to getting the perfect engagement ring, is education. So we like to share helpful hints, tricks and tips with our readers both before they propose and after. While we usually dedicate Wedding Wednesday to the ladies, today we can’t help but share this great chart with lots of wedding info for grooms. We usually don’t see much in the way of actual wedding stats and specifics for the guys, but this one is well done, interesting, and gives you a great idea about where you stand. So if you’ve already gotten a great deal on a diamond, and all you need to do now is pick out your wedding ring, check out this chart by H&R block.

Wedding planning for men


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