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Tag: diamond

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Tips To Use When You Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The jewelry box in your home is actually one of the greatest treasures that you can look up to. A part from defining your economic status in society, jewelry can also be a wonderful way of preparing for the future. Think about that diamond watch or golden ring that cost almost more than everything else…
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All About “Chocolate Diamonds”

Are Brown Diamonds Real Mined Diamonds? Scientists have researched the origin of brown colored diamonds. Brown diamonds, recently but successfully marketed as “Chocolate Diamonds” by LeVian, have a brown color because of irradiation, nickel impurities and lattice defects. Lattice defects caused by pressure that exceeds tolerance of the crystals’ “yield strength,” causing strain hardening. This…
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How to Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The situation happens more frequently that people want to admit. A happy marriage goes on for decades. Then, a husband passes away or the marriage ends, and the wife finds herself with a property, a stack of bills, and a need to get the estate settled as quickly as possible. The statement that diamonds are…
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Boucheron and La Mer Jar

When designers create a multi-thousand dollar jar for a major partnership between a global cosmetic company and renowned jeweler, they do it in style. This is the case with the project between Estée Lauder Cos.’ La Mer and jeweler Boucheron. The magical creation comes in the form of a moisturizing lotion decanter that is assembled…
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The World’s Most Expensive Christmas Wreath

Christmas celebrations are around the corner. The date is fast approaching and preparations are underway. For some, it is business as usual. However for others, it is a day to do the extraordinary. Many are hopping from one jeweler to another, all in the name of looking for the best Christmas wreaths. Wreaths are a…
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Christie's Golconda Diamond Fetches $10.9 Million

The Golconda Diamond Known as the “Golconda Diamond“, this stunning gem cashed in at a whopping $10.9 million at a recent Christie’s auction located in New York City. According to Forbes, ” The final jewelry auction of the year for Christie’s ended with the sale of a rare 52.58-carat, D-color, internally flawless Golconda diamond for…
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Paul Walker's Engagement Ring Donation

It was a very sad and unimaginable event, Paul Walker the blue-eyed Fast and the Furious star ironically passed away in a tragic car crash. Most of his peers are describing him as a very kind and gentle person. To confirm this, a military couple from Victorville is sharing a story of how the celebrity…
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Investing in Fancy Colored Diamonds: A Game For Billionaire Players

If you’re in the market for a natural pink diamond, now might be the time to act. The Argyle Diamond mine that yields more than 90 percent of the world’s supply is rumored to close in 2020. In fact, the cost of colorful diamonds is rising across the board as collectors scramble to invest in…
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Cyber Monday Jewelry Sale: 20% off David Yurman and Gemstone Slice Jewelry

It’s Cyber Monday people! One of our favorite ways to knock out holiday shopping in one day without battling the crowds at the mall. Instead, we’re crossing off all those on our nice lists from the comfort of our keyboard – why would you shop any other way? And to celebrate one of our favorite…
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Diamond Buyers are a Seller’s Best Friend

It’s hard to know what you have when it comes time to sell your diamonds because unlike gold, the selection process is much more subjective than when you’re attempting to sell bullion. Whereas selling gold merely requires the seller to know the meltdown weights of the metal and do the math, selling your diamonds intelligently…
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Selling Jewelry Privately in Boca Raton

For those in Boca Raton, Florida who have accumulated jewelry over the years or now find themselves in charge of an estate to liquidate, it’s quite common to find one’s self in the situation of needing to reduce a personal inventory and sell some times. However, how one goes about selling that jewelry can often…
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Christie's Auctioning 52 Carat Golconda Diamond

Diamonds are one of the most magnificent items money can buy. Every year, diamonds capture the hearts and minds of millions of men and women around the world. Diamonds have become synonymous with the institution of marriage, and there are a myriad of diamond ring styles for everyone from the working class to Hollywood superstars.…
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Sell Diamonds in Boca

Diamonds are one of the most desirable commodities ever discovered by humanity. They have often served as one of the most prized and valued possessions by families and individuals for generations, and it is easy to understand why. Diamonds are stunningly beautiful, and for many successful marriages, a diamond ring symbolizes the love and bond…
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Sell Diamond Rings in Boca

Heirloom jewelry, including diamonds, that are part of an estate can be a joy as well as a nightmare unless someone can be found to help sort out all of the legalities and the value of the pieces involved. Heirs to an estate may find themselves in a predicament, depending on the number of pieces…
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Orange Diamond Sells for $36 Million

Tuesday saw a record number of weddings, even if it had not a work day. According to the Los Angeles Times, 3,320 couples tied the knot in contrast to the 371 on the second Tuesday of November last year. That’s because brides, looking for a way to make their wedding stand out from all the…
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