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22191 Powerline Road #12b, Boca Raton, FL 33433

Spotlight on: Friedrich Kochli

Spotlight on: Friedrich Kochli

No one can accuse Friedrich Kochli of being a man without means and talents. He was perhaps, one of the greatest jewelry designers of his times. His style and originality cannot be imitated by anyone.

Among his work is the “Egg.” It is an elegant piece with exquisite details, and a nice gold touch on the front surface. This masterpiece was undoubtedly created before 1896.

Kolchli Egg

Another one of Friedrich masterpieces is a Luxurious antique style pair of Gold Locket Cufflinks. These are designed in the late 19th century. The matte gold finished surface opens to reveal a compartment, suitable for a photograph. It is the perfect addition to a long line of Kochli jewelry.

Pair of Gold Locket Cuff Links

There is yet another masterpiece by Kochli that is far more lavish, and considered pure royalty. This unique piece of jewelry is no ordinary stick pin, it’s a world class Imperial Gemset Gold Stick Pin. Only Friedrich Kochli could have pulled off such an elaborate, high quality pin, with the look of real royalty and wealth. England would be proud to wear this design on all of their apparels and at very social gathering. The Gems set securely, boldly and elegantly on top top of a crown.

Gemset Gold Stick Pin

The crown is designed with twirls and twists, which are only found on the headset of a real royal magistrate. When Friedrich was designing this piece between 1896 and 1908, he had majestic thoughts, and queens and kings on his mind.

The beautiful pin is surmounded by a diamond rose cabochon. It is the simile or an imperial crown, top with a red ruby. The pin initials “MM” at the top of the crown implies the pin owner Michael Mikhailovich, respectively (1861-1929).

There has not been another jewelry designer to compare with the works of Friedrich Kochli. Time seen to have stood still, as these beautiful pieces were created, one unique piece at a time. History has made a designer that it cannot make again.


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