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22191 Powerline Road #12b, Boca Raton, FL 33433


How to Care For Your Diamonds

Diamonds are loved and valued the world over. Taking proper care of your diamonds is the best way of making them last longer. Here are a few tips that any diamond owner in Boca Raton can follow to give your diamonds that extra shine.

Selling Gold 101

We all run into financial problems from time to time. Sometimes they are of our own devising, while other times if feels as if the cosmos have conspired to mess up our day. Whether it is because you failed to remember that your power bill was already overdue when you spent too much on dinner…
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Vintage Watches Make Excellent Wedding Gifts

Luxury Watches with their own Stories, Tracing the History of a Vintage Gift During the last eight years, an undeniable movement toward collectible pre-owned, vintage luxury watches has become a fierce competition among collectors on both Western and Eastern parts of the globe. Rolex, Patek and Cartier Vintage watches are favorites leading the way, but…
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Bring in the New Year with Improved New GIA Grading Reports and Less Clutter

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is a nonprofit association that is recognized around the world as the most trusted source for accurate gemstone grading. GIA’s mission is to “protect all buyers and sellers of gemstones maintaining the standards used to evaluate gemstone quality.” GIA’s diamond and gem grading reports allow customers and jewelers to…
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Diamond Consumption is up: Good News for Selling Diamonds!

Diamonds are one of the most popular gifts money can buy. Whether it is for an engagement ring or another special occasion, diamonds make a statement that few other gifts can make. In fact, demand for diamonds is increasing dramatically year after year. Despite the financial crisis of 2008 and the global economic slowdown, diamond…
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Happy New Year from Raymond Lee Jewelers!

From our family to yours, Happy New Year! 2013 was a wonderful year for us, bringing our diamond anniversary (and our diamond anniversary giveaway winners!) It saw us travel to Hong Kong, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and Naples on our never ending quest to bring gorgeous estate jewelry to the four corners…
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Extra Link for Maurice Lacroix Watch

Hugette Clark’s Family Estate Jewelry Sale

How does someone find the most exquisite jewelry collection of one of the richest women in the world, valued at over 20 million dollars, locked away in a bank vault for 70 years? There are many deep questions surrounding the half-billion dollar estate, including three incredible mansions and some of the most brilliant diamond jewelry…
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How to Sell Breitling Watches in Boca Raton

Selling off personal jewelry items is a great way for people to generate a little spare cash when they need it the most. Some people choose to sell jewelry if they inherit it from a loved one or simply have lost interest in wearing it. There are a few different methods of selling watches in…
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Top 10 Reasons to Splurge on Luxury Jewelry and Watches

Reasons for buying and having jewelry may vary but if you are lacking in ideas as to why you need to have some bling in your life here are some of the ten that caught our attention Unique like love and friendship Every luxury watch and jewelry piece is unique just as your individual relationships…
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Tips To Use When You Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The jewelry box in your home is actually one of the greatest treasures that you can look up to. A part from defining your economic status in society, jewelry can also be a wonderful way of preparing for the future. Think about that diamond watch or golden ring that cost almost more than everything else…
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What Watches Are Worth Most in Today’s Market?

Even with these tough economic times, many used watches have actually increased in value, making them a way to make money. But what watches are sure to improve with age, while some depreciate rapidly? And why do people sell their watches in the first place?

All About “Chocolate Diamonds”

Are Brown Diamonds Real Mined Diamonds? Scientists have researched the origin of brown colored diamonds. Brown diamonds, recently but successfully marketed as “Chocolate Diamonds” by LeVian, have a brown color because of irradiation, nickel impurities and lattice defects. Lattice defects caused by pressure that exceeds tolerance of the crystals’ “yield strength,” causing strain hardening. This…
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A Guide to Selling Watches in Boca Raton

You have probably thought about it many times than once. Asking yourself where you can sell that piece of jewelry that perhaps you do not need anymore or you want a little bit of cash. This should not worry you anymore because it is possible to sell that inherited or unwanted piece of jewelry you…
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What He Really Wanted for Christmas: a Gold Xbox One

The world of video-gaming is definitely designed to not only capture people’s interest but to make them want to buy more components to expand their library of fun, entertainment and capability. It’s quite common for gaming system producers to create an entire portfolio of games for a system, and then two years later replace it…
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How to Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The situation happens more frequently that people want to admit. A happy marriage goes on for decades. Then, a husband passes away or the marriage ends, and the wife finds herself with a property, a stack of bills, and a need to get the estate settled as quickly as possible. The statement that diamonds are…
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