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Valentine's Day Proposal Ideas for the 21st century

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Valentine's Day Proposal Ideas for the 21st century

For those soon-to-be grooms getting ready to pop the question on Friday, we’re sure you’ve already planned it out meticulously, right? Right. However, we know our grooms pretty well after 30 years of watching love stories begin. And whether he’s sweating nervously buyi9ng that first ring, surprising her with an anniversary upgrade 15 years later, or swinging by our store on the way to his daughter’s sweet 16, we’ve learned that our grooms sometimes maybe, might possibly wait til the last minute. Does that mean their intentions aren’t wonderful? No. Does it mean they care any less about their intended? Absolutely not. It means they’re guys who don’t spend hours perusing Pinterest looking at proposal stories or swooning over How He Asked.

So, gents, we love you, you’re perfect, now change. We’ve got your back and we’re here to tell you to step away from the phone and stop texting your buddies that they need to learn elaborate choreography in the next 36 hours. It’s 2014. Let the viral proposal die, and let Isaac’s be its legacy. It’s all about the return to meaning – why plan a flash mob when you can tailor the proposal to your relationship with small details and true creativity? Even better – these Valentine’s Day proposal ideas are all ready when you are & perfect for the romantic procrastinator.

For the confident groom – you already know how this proposal and love story will end – the rest is history! For $6 (and, you know, the cost of your engagement ring) you’ll have an unforgettable V-Day proposal. Slip her ring in this envelope, pen your most heartfelt love note, and present her with this card. Simple, to the point, and perfect.

If you live with her and she uses her phone as her alarm, have we got a proposal for you. Either wait until she falls asleep or wake up early on Valentine’s Day. Swap out her old phone case for this adorable Kate Spade version. Once she’s not so bleary-eyed, she’ll see her new case and turn to you, who will be down on one knee, shining ring in hand. Bonus? She gets to show off her new case all day & tell the story!

It’s no secret that every girl would ideally have a fresh manicure when she says “Yes.” Provide her with the means and an excuse for a fresh salon treatment by giving her a bottle of Essie’s Meet Me at The Altar with her new ring around the bottle cap. Bonus points if you give her a gift certificate to her favorite salon with it!

Back to our waking up early/stealth ninja move theme. If you are grade a sneaky you can pull off this perfect proposal. Tomorrow night after work, swing by the party store and pick up a few of those heart-shaped myalr balloons you probably saw everywhere in high school. You can get one for each year you’ve been together, a dozen ( a la roses), or fourteen to commemorate Valentine’s Day. Write out a corresponding amount of reasons why you love her/want to marry her/she’s perfect. Tie these sweet nothings to the strings of these balloons and hide them. Once your love is asleep or before she wakes, bring them into her bedroom like a cat burglar so when she awakes she’ll be surrounded by love. Turn off the ceiling fan first.

And if all else fails, just remember – you’re presenting her with the ring of her dreams & you’re the man of her dreams. She’s going to say yes & make it the best Valentine’s Day ever!


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