Cat Finds Missing Wedding Ring Just Before Anniversary

Imagine the relief in this cat owner’s heart when her precious feline, Olive, found her wedding ring that had been lost somewhere in the couple’s flat. Freda Coleman, who is 82 years old, had been washing her hands when she noticed that her wedding band was missing. She had worn the ring since 1963 when her husband Tony placed it on her finger.
After four weeks of searching, Freda and Tony had decided the ring was lost permanently. One evening, Freda was in the kitchen watching Olive playing on the floor with a shiny object. Freda approached Olive to determine if the object was an elastic band that might be dangerous to the cat. As she got closer, she realized that Olive was actually playing with the lost wedding band. Freda was so happy with her feline friend’s discovery.
Tony had experience working with gold from his experience as a dental technician. He had made the wedding ring to present to his bride on their wedding day, which was December 6, 1953. A colleague had given Tony the told as a wedding present. Ever since that special day, Freda had worn that ring on her finger. She was devastated when her precious wedding band was lost. No other piece of jewelry is so personal.
Once the couple gave up on finding the ring, Tony decided to buy a replacement wedding band for his wife. That new ring was no longer necessary since clever little Olive had found the gold band. That play session on the kitchen floor had returned Freda’s precious ring. Olive’s status as favorite house cat was reemphasized because of her astute hunting skills. Freda loves Olive even more because of the special role she played in the lost wedding ring saga. The timing of Olive’s find was perfect since the couple’s diamond wedding anniversary was approaching fast. Instead of a heartbroken memory, the ring would serve as a constant reminder of lifelong love.
Freda reflects on the first day that the ring vanished. While washing her hands, she noticed that the ring was gone. At first, she wondered if it had slipped down the drain in the upstairs bathroom sink. The next challenge was to retrace her steps and look in every possible location throughout the house. Tony had taken the time to empty the vacuum cleaner bag to see if it had been sucked into the contraption.
On their 60th anniversary, Tony and Freda, of Doncaster, South Yorks, celebrated with their family, which includes five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The highlight of the celebration was a card from Queen Elizabeth II, who congratulated the couple on six decades of wedded bliss.
Olive had come to Tony and Freda when their son’s baby daughter was born. The house could not accommodate two cats who did not get along. Time had dictated the need to find a better home for Olive. Freda is thrilled that she has been with them for three years. She is an integral part of their lives.
Finding that ring was financially important since an insurance claim was impossible. Cursory knowledge of the place in which the ring was lost would have been required. Olive removed the need to file against the insurance policy.
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