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Tag: Buzzfeed

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Simon G. Engagement ring in rose gold

Do You have E-Ring Information Overload?

Well, do you? If you’ve searched “engagement rings Boca Raton” so often your Google predictions complete the phrase before you start typing, you may have it. If you can recite the FIVE C’s of diamond shopping from memory, with detailed explanations, you may have it. If your secret Pinterest boards are categorized by diamond shape…
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How to Save Money On Your Wedding

It’s Wedding Wednesday, and for us, that means sharing the joy of the big day with our soon to be (fingers crossed!) RLJ brides, and those who are already admiring their new engagement rings on the daily. And, whenever we get the chance, we love to share tips and tricks too. While checking out wedding…
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