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Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

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Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

It is not hard to sell jewelry Boca Raton, as there are a number of jewelry shops, precious metal dealerships and pawn shops that are more than willing to purchase all types of jewelry. Unfortunately, many people do not make as much money from their jewelry sale as they could have. Following are three simple tips that will help you get your money’s worth for whatever jewelry items you are trying to sell.

Clean it Up

First impressions are always important. Any buyer will not only look at the specifications of the jewelry item you are trying to sell but also at the item itself. Clean stones always make a better impression than dirty ones.

What is more, you do not even need to pay a professional jewelry cleaner to clean your stones for you. Reader’s Digest notes that there are numerous everyday items that can effectively clean gemstones, gold and silver. Alka-Seltzer can restore luster to almost any kind of jewelry; all you have to do is drop the jewelry item in this liquid and let it sit for a few minutes. Tarnished gold and silver jewelry items should soaked in ammonia for ten minutes and then removed.

There are, however, precautions that should be taken with certain types of jewelry. Pearls, for instance, are quite delicate and jewelry with these precious stones should be handled by a professional cleaner. It is also important to note that many diamonds found in common jewelry items are “fracture filled” (aka “clarity enhanced). This means that the diamonds had small fractures or crevices in them that were filled with glass to enhance the stones’ appearance. If you are not sure if your diamonds are fracture filled, then handle them carefully and avoid applying strong cleaning liquids to them, as this will cause the filling to come out.

Get an Appraisal When Warranted

In many cases, you do not need to have your jewelry items appraised. If you or someone you know bought the items new at a local store or over the internet, then you probably already know how much they are worth.

However, jewelry items that have been passed down by a family member such as a grandparent or elderly uncle or aunt may be more valuable than you realize. Antique jewelry is worth more than just the amount of gold or silver found in it, or the value of the stones it contains. Appraising older jewelry items that you feel may be worth more than a couple thousand dollars will ensure that you get your money’s worth for them.

Yellow diamond and white diamond marquise shaped ring

Do Comparison Shopping

As was noted above, there are many stores and dealerships that are more than willing to purchase your jewelry. In fact, you can even sell your jewelry via the internet to a mail-away company that purchases gold jewelry. The latter option is quite convenient, as mail-away companies cover all postage costs and you do not even have to leave your home to sell one or more of your jewelry items.

If you are selling your jewelry to any type of retailer, you should bear in mind that the retailer will turn around and resell the item or items in question. This means that the buyer will not be willing to pay the full value of the item in question. However, the purchase price does vary from retailer to retailer and some may be willing to pay significantly more than others. Comparison shopping is always a good idea and will help to ensure that you get your money’s worth.

Avoid selling jewelry to a mail-away operation as such operations pay less than many brick and mortar purchases. Instead, take your jewelry to several jewelry buyers in Boca Raton and see which one offers the best price. You should also let a potential buyer know that another shop may be interested in offering a better price, as the buyer you are speaking with may be willing to offer a bit more in order to obtain the item for his or her store.

Individual Buyers

An alternative to selling an item to a local store is to sell it to an individual buyer. This naturally takes longer than selling an item to a dealership but in some cases it may be worth it, especially if you do not need the cash in hand right away.

Advertise the item for sale on Etsy, Craigslist and/or eBay. Take clear pictures of the item and post these along with the description. Set a realistic price but not an overly low one, as many buyers expect to bargain for items for sale online.

Art Deco style emerald cut engagement ring

Selling on Consignment

Another alternative available to those who do not need immediate cash in hand is to sell jewelry items on consignment. Many jewelry stores offer this option and will even allow you to suggest a retail price for the item in question. The jewelry store will then take a percentage of the total sales price and give you the rest of the money.

Consider all three options (selling to an individual, selling on consignment and selling directly to a store, shop or dealership) and see which one is most suitable for you personally. If you are in a hurry to sell your jewelry, then selling it directly to a retailer will provide you with near immediate cash in hand. If you take your jewelry to various retailers and compare price offers, you should be able to make a decent amount of money from your jewelry.

At the same time, those who are not in a rush to sell their jewelry may want to consider more time consuming sale options. These may in some cases enable you to turn a higher profit than you would have otherwise.

Getting a fair price for your jewelry is not as complicated as it may seem. To start with, clean the items in question to ensure that they look good and are appealing to potential buyers. Next, have potentially valuable items appraised so that they can be sold at a high price. Finally, offer your item for sale to various potential buyers and see which sale option enables you to make the most money.


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