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Buckingham Palace Jewellery Exhibition

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Buckingham Palace Jewellery Exhibition

Buckingham Palace has revealed a diamond exhibition in honor of the jewelry that British Monarchs have worn over the years. This collection, which features over 10,000 jewels that have been owned by the Royal Family and other monarchs for 300 years, will go on display from July 8 through October 7 as part of the Diamond Jubilee. The royal collection will also display the jewels Queen Elizabeth has acquired during her reign, as well as those that were passed down to her through generations.

The coronation necklace of Queen Victoria, the only other monarch to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee, will also be on display. Note the impressive history behind this diamond necklace: it was worn by Queen Alexandra, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth the second at their coronations.

Another favorite is the diamond Diadem Tiara, worn by Queen Elizabeth on British and Commonwealth stamps, as well as the opening of parliament. According to the Daily Mail, the diadem has over 1,000 brilliant-cut diamonds.

This private collection is a reflection of the British rulers’ power, wealth and taste, not to mention their unquestionable admiration of diamonds. Although many of the diamonds have already been viewed by the public, the exhibition will offer a few rarities, as well.

What is said to be the most popular jewel of this new exhibition is the purple Saint Edward’s crown, the official coronation crown which is worn by the monarch at the end of every coronation ceremony for no longer than 15 minutes. The impressive crown, which features a satin purple cap and is adorned with over 400 precious stones, was first worn by King Charles II in 1661 and weighs four pounds.

One famous crown you won’t see is Queen Victoria’s tiny diamond encrusted crown which she wore at her husband’s funeral. The widowed Queen wore it so often that it was placed in her coffin after she died.


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