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Two More Massive 160 Carat Diamonds Discovered in Lesotho

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Two More Massive 160 Carat Diamonds Discovered in Lesotho

The discovery of two 106 CT diamonds in Lesotho, South Africa is presumably one of the most exceptional discoveries that have ever happened in time. Gem diamond, a miner based in London, made the discovery sometime towards the end of January, and reports on the description of the diamonds indicate that they are in a very good condition. Of the two, one is a 162.06 CT type I diamond, whereas the other one is a 161.74 CT type II diamond. Due to their condition as the expectation is that the diamonds are highly likely to achieve competitive prices in the company’s auction, expected to take place in the February tender.

As an interested party in the tendering process, you are welcome to exploit the opportunity of examining the diamond. This is an initiative sponsored by the organization in order to provide you, as the tender, with the opportunity to make a personal examination of the diamonds. With this consideration, it will be possible to determine the worth of the diamond and make an appropriate offer on the same. The offer should be in accordance to what you believe the diamonds are worth, since you will have the opportunity to determine the clarity and color of the diamonds. This provision also reduces any form of speculation by the organization, which some people might identify as misleading.

The discovery of diamond pieces in the Letšeng mine

There is a possibility of arguing that the Letšeng mine, located in Lesotho is famous for making impressive diamond discoveries like that of the two 160 CT diamonds. Some of the stones discovered previously are inclusive of the 12 CT blue diamond piece, which is a stone that can fetch a significant amount of money from the market. The other unique discovery from the mine was in the year 2011, which led to the production of a 550 CT Letšeng star. For this reason, this discovery, together with the others previously obtained, you might assume that the mine is popular for producing some of the most valuable stones in the market.

Similar to some of the other diamonds from the Letšeng mine; it is possible for you to determine that the discovery of the two 160 CT diamonds indicates that their conditions are impressive. This is indicative of the fact that when cut and polished, the diamonds are highly likely to be of a very good quality. Devoid of any speculation, Letšeng historically makes occasional discoveries of rare and undamaged diamonds consistently. Because mining in the area has moved to the satellite pipe since the second quarter of the year 2013, the expectation is that there will be improvements in the overall quality of the stones. This provision saw the prices that the diamonds could fetch from the market steadily improved in the fourth quarter of 2013. For this reason, coupled with the fact that mining in Letšeng is moving towards the satellite pipe, the expectation is that the prices will improve in the first quarter of this year, 2014.


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