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Top Quality Jewelry: The Benefits of Investing

Top Quality Jewelry: The Benefits of Investing

Fancy Yellow Pear Shaped Diamond Engagement Ring

From beautiful rings, to expensive time pieces, a great piece of jewelry is worth owning. Not only will you feel great when you are wearing your special, it is an investment at the same time. With gold prices continually climbing and gems becoming more valuable, a good piece of jewelry is worth the money because it will increase in value over time.

Fancy Yellow Pear Shaped Diamond Engagement Ring

Fancy Yellow Pear Shaped Diamond Engagement Ring

The Price of Gold in the Past Ten Years

For the past two years, the price of gold has fluctuated between 1200 and 1400 dollars per ounce. In April 2005, the price of gold was a little more than 400 dollars per ounce. This means that if you owned 10 ounces of gold, in 2005,you had four thousand dollars worth of gold. That same gold is now worth at least three times as much, or twelve thousand dollars. Tripling your money in ten years is a significant increase in value.

Diamond Demand Is Increasing

Although the monetary value of diamonds has bumped up and down for several years, Forbes states that diamonds are soon to be an investor’s dream. With the demand for diamonds rising and the supply unable to meet this demand, the price of diamonds is going up. The global economy is recovering, and people have more money to spend on luxury items. Mining in both Canada in Russia is producing lower quality gems and less of them. With diamonds growing in value, it is time to invest in some high-quality stones.

Gems Worth Investing In

In today’s market, rubies from Burma are considered the most valuable, but that does not mean other rubies aren’t worth a look. Color is critical with rubies, less so than gem clarity. High-quality rubies and other gemstones rise in value at least with the rate of inflation, making them a safe investment for anyone that can afford the stones.

Sapphires are another safe investment. Vibrant blue in color, blue sapphires are another favorite among investors. Other colors of sapphires include yellow and pink, less popular colors but still valuable.

Emeralds that are rated fine and left untreated are another collector’s item to consider. Colombian emeralds are considered the most valuable at this time, with Brazilian emeralds second in value.

Precious Metals are Rising in Value Too

Even if you can’t afford gold, buying silver can be a smart investment too. Silver was worth seven US dollars in 2005, and is now worth close to fifteen dollars an ounce. This is similar to gold, in that over a ten year span silver tripled in price. If you cashed out your silver in 2011, the price spiked to near fifty dollars an ounce. While you have missed the price spike in 2011, it is a clear indication that the price of silver will only rise over time.

Purchasing precious jewelry is a beautiful way to show you care. Wearing a wonderful piece of jewelry can make you feel special. When you invest in high-quality jewelry, you can make yourself happy and make an investment at the same time.


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