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Tag: Diamond color

tacori engagement ring

Does a Diamond Need a Certificate?

Does a diamond need a certificate? It’s a question we’re asked with growing frequency. Our shoppers are smart – and after learning the 4 C’s, they’re ready to dive headfirst into diamond shopping. Because most of our customers now come in ready with some sort of education, they’ve also more than likely read up on diamond…
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GIA Color Scale

Everything You Need to Know About Diamond Color

This week, we’ve been focusing on the 4 C’s you need to know to get a great deal on a diamond.  So far, we’ve covered diamond Clarity Grades, Cut Grades, and carat weight. Today, I’ll be explaining diamond Color grades. Diamonds come in a large variety of colors, some rarer and more valuable than others…
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Example of an included (I1) diamond

Everything You Need to Know About Diamond Clarity

Alright, we’ve already covered diamond carats and diamond cut, today we’re back with everything you need to know about diamond clarity. Diamond Clarity is determined by the presence or absence of flaws in or on the diamond. The rarest of diamonds have perfect clarity, and are internally and externally flawless. The majority of diamond have some degree of…
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Pear shaped diamond engagement ring

What’s The Difference Between EGL and GIA?

The purchase of diamond jewelry often not only marks a great milestone in life, but also represents one of the larger financial outlays most people will make for a single item. It makes sense that most purchasers of diamonds would like to know exactly what they are getting. While a diamond may appear beautiful enough…
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GIA 6 Carat Cushion Cut Halo Engagement Ring

Diamond Grading Games

Last fall, Rapaport (the online diamond marketplace) banned EGL certified diamonds. What are EGL certified diamonds? They’re diamonds graded by the European Gemological Institute, one of the handful of diamond grading labs. These labs exist to certify diamonds based on grading criteria including a variety of factors, but primarily the 4 C’s: Cut Color Clarity…
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Engagement Rings Under $4000

Shopping for an engagement ring this holiday season? We’ve got you covered. We know it can be frustrating to shop online, especially, where you’re bombarded by pictures of 5 carat stunners that cost more than some people make in a year. But gorgeous engagement rings for every budget are out there. And we’re highlighting some of…
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Another Pink Diamond Makes Headlines: Record Breaking Purple Pink at Sotheby's

A pink diamond is not often the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks about a luxury jewelry piece. However, when that colored diamond is the Sotheby’s Pink Diamond that just sold for a cool $17.8 million, pink becomes fashionable in the high end circles. For comparison, a blue and pink diamond ring…
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3.37 Carat Purple Orchid Diamond Makes its Debut

At this month’s September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, Israeli diamond firm Leibish & Co. seized the opportunity to share their much buzzed-about new gem: the Purple Orchid Diamond. The 3.37 carat fancy intense pinkish purple VS2 diamond hails from an unnamed South African mine that is apparently one of the world’s best sources for purple…
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Sotheby's Flawless Fancy Vivid Pink Diamond

And this time, it’s flawless. Now that the hullaballoo over the Pink Star diamond and its delinquent buyer has died down, it’s time for another pink giant to steal the spotlight. The previous record-holder for pink diamond auctions was, of course, the Graff Pink, a 24.76 carat fancy intense pink snapped up by Laurence Graff…
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Fancy Color Diamond Engagement Rings

Colored diamonds are found in nature and also created in the laboratory. The GIA (better known as the Gemological Institute of America) states that one out of every 10,000 diamonds is colored naturally. There are 27 hues that appear naturally in diamonds, according to the GIA. Pressure and varying degrees of radiation can impact the…
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Investing in Fancy Colored Diamonds: A Game For Billionaire Players

If you’re in the market for a natural pink diamond, now might be the time to act. The Argyle Diamond mine that yields more than 90 percent of the world’s supply is rumored to close in 2020. In fact, the cost of colorful diamonds is rising across the board as collectors scramble to invest in…
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Sell Diamonds in Boca

Diamonds are one of the most desirable commodities ever discovered by humanity. They have often served as one of the most prized and valued possessions by families and individuals for generations, and it is easy to understand why. Diamonds are stunningly beautiful, and for many successful marriages, a diamond ring symbolizes the love and bond…
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Orange Diamond Sells for $36 Million

Tuesday saw a record number of weddings, even if it had not a work day. According to the Los Angeles Times, 3,320 couples tied the knot in contrast to the 371 on the second Tuesday of November last year. That’s because brides, looking for a way to make their wedding stand out from all the…
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Pink Star Diamond Expected to Sell for More than $60 Million

Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but not every girl is going to get her hands on the world’s most expensive diamond. However, they have a chance to view the world’s largest pink diamond until it sells next month. It’s currently on display at Sotheby’s. Diamonds aren’t always crystal-clear, but that may be the…
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Sotheby's to Auction Most Valuable Pink Diamond

As recently reported in the Jewelers Circular Keystone Online and spread industry-wide by Raymond Lee Jewelers of South Florida, if you are a lover of diamonds and all things beautiful, you need to be aware of a wonderful diamond going up for auction. It has been announced that the great auction house of Sotheby’s is putting an…
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