The World's Most Expensive Donut: Tasty for The Children's Trust

Marking the list of strange things to celebrate, National Donut Week is a European tradition. The event was celebrated May 10th through May 17th and used to raise money for The Children’s Trust. Participating bakers donate the funds of every donut sold to help children with brain injuries. The funds help provide care and funds for the recovery process. The organization also offers support for the families of these children.
This year, Krispy Kreme participated in National Donut Week in a big way. They created the world’s most expensive donut and when they unveiled the donut for the first time, the world was stunned. It was stunned both by the beauty of the donut and by the unbelievable price tag attached to it. The hefty price tag weighs in at £1,000, or just over $1,600 U.S. dollars.
Krispy Kreme revealed the glittery beauty with the help of Selfridges’ Oxford Street store. They gave a check to The Children’s Trust for £10,000, but the donut was given as a prize to a makeup artist that thought the donut looked way too good to actually eat. That might be a good thing, though the diamonds on it are edible.
The makers of this particular donut probably felt a grand amount of relief once it was finished because it took three days to put together. It is full of unusual and surprising ingredients. To be specific, the inside filling is made of Dom Perignon 2002 champagne jelly and a delightfully delicious raspberry Chateau d’Yquem creme. But, the goodness does not stop there.
On top of the world’s most expensive donut sits a passion fruit glaze that includes edible 24ct gold leafing. The handmade Belgian white chocolate is also dusted with gold. The beautiful gold sparkled upon the lotus flowers, blossoms, ivy, and butterflies. And, to top off all of that, there were edible diamonds included as part of the decoration.
And, still, that is not all. Believe it or not, the donut came with even more to explain away its expensive nature. The sugary treat was perched upon a Krispy Kreme cocktail. Not just any cocktail, though. This cocktail is composed of raspberry and passion fruit syrup to match the filling of the donut. Also, mixed with the syrup was Courvoisier de L’Esprit that was 500 years old and more 2002 Dom Perignon.
Just in case you wondered, you cannot buy that donut or any exact version of it. But, if you want to purchase smaller, more manageable versions of the gold delight, you can. The smaller, still edible versions might even help take a load off your pocketbook because they cost nearly £40, or about $67. Still, they can be purchased at Selfridges in either London or Birmingham. They even include the 24 carat gold leafing, white chocolate flowers, butterflies, and of course, the edible diamonds.
If you are someone that loves bling, these pricey donuts might be just the thing for you to try. Stun your friends and family with its edible goodness the way Kripsy Kreme stunned the rest of the world with the most expensive donut in the world.
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