Top 10 Reasons to Splurge on Luxury Jewelry and Watches

Reasons for buying and having jewelry may vary but if you are lacking in ideas as to why you need to have some bling in your life here are some of the ten that caught our attention
Unique like love and friendship
Every luxury watch and jewelry piece is unique just as your individual relationships are unique and different from the other. As unique as love and friendship is what these fabulous pieces are.
Show of love and affection
A gold bracelet with brilliantly cut diamonds given to a loved one not only show love but also the affection and value attached to the recipient. Who said love is cheap?
Classic occasional wear
Jewelry is not usually everyday wear not unless is cheaper quality plated jewelry. It is therefore necessary for one to have lifetime pieces for the special occasions when they arise.
Pension fund and inheritance
We all want some social security when we age as well as some valuable heirloom. Vintage luxury items cost a fortune so how does leaving a fortune for your grand kids in the form of a pendant sound? Outrageous as it may sound Google search for vintage luxury items and you will accept it does make a valid argument.
Symbol of wealth and power
A Cartier pink gold watch with the right accessories not only oozes of well being but with it a sense of power that is attached to it. The gold rings and chains on multi platinum selling rappers is a show of wealth.
Enjoy spoiling yourself a little
It is always good to reward yourself and show yourself a little love. You only have one life to live and one should at least have one luxury item.
As an asset or investment
Jewelry and watches can also be purchased as an investment or as an asset. Buying a 1986 Rolex could cost you close to $ 21,600 according to some online retailers. Luxury items are rarely affected by inflation and are thus a good investment option. This comes with a disclaimer though. Before buying as investments it is always wise to consult your investment manager for advice
Ultimate lifestyle pieces
A priceless painting, a bottle of rare wine this are pieces that are the ultimate lifestyle pieces and right up there with it would be exclusive jewelry and rare watches. One could call it the connection between millionaires, billionaires, celebrities and the occasional shopper
Undo ordinary by enjoying richness of quality workmanship
Unlike cheap mass market produced jewelry, luxury jewelry allows you to enjoy the quality workmanship as you would a van Gogh painting. It is brilliant workmanship on a precious and rare material therefore its creation is almost perfect if not
Flaunt your taste
With the price tag, luxury watches and jewelry are a way of showing off your taste and likes. Gemstones and rare rubies on your gold ring show good taste but a pink diamond on a platinum ring show exceptional taste. It’s all how you can flaunt it.

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