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The New Lalique Nighttime Psyche Necklace

The New Lalique Nighttime Psyche Necklace

Who wouldn’t love to step out for a night on the town with a breathtaking, $800K necklace adorned around their neck? While this might be a dream come true, you also might wonder how a piece of jewelry could cost over three quarter of a million dollars. That is exactly why Lalique, the French crystal-maker, plans to unveil and showcase at its private boutique viewing, taking place between April 6 and 12. Taking place in four different cities during this time, Lalique plans on putting on these small shows with the help of Quentin Obadia in order to bring in foot traffic and increase the attention the jeweler is able to produce. During the showcase time frame, Quentin is also expected to reveal some drawings and designs for future pieces, not only to inspire awe in those present at the time, but also to receive direct client feedback.

Obadia has transformed the Lalique jewelry brand in the three years he has been a part of it. He has even helped design the very first fine jewelry collection the brand has put out in over 100 years. If you are able to make it to one of the viewings, you are able to both view the necklace but also purchase it, if you are able to scrape together the small asking price of $800,000. Thankfully though, you do receive a complimentary bracelet, pair of earrings and a ring to go along with it. However, the only way you are going to see the necklace is if you do so by appointment only. Lalique is not simply having the necklace in an open display for anyone to walk in and see. You need to actually contact Lalique’s in order to set up an appointment for one of the available cities and time periods, all before you are able to see the necklace. Lalique and Obadia want to make sure that not just anyone stops in for the necklace, but instead just those who have the money to actually make the purchase.

If you do have an extra $800K sitting around your home somewhere, now is the best time to purchase the necklace, as the collection is normally not on sale in the United States (it is an almost exclusively French design company), but it is making the exception for this short, four-day period. This is not the first time Lalique has toured through the United States on an abridged showing of new pieces though. Previously, the crystal designer made stops in New York, Chicago and Beverly Hills in order to display new art deco furniture and accessories. Of course, the designer jewelry is something that is unique to Lalique currently, as it has moved more towards home furnishings in its last 100 years, although the company did once focus more on individual jewelry towards the end of the 19th century and into the early 20th.

So, if you are looking not only for a piece of history but for a show-stopping necklace that, thankfully enough, also comes with an added bracelet, earrings and ring, than you must make sure to arrange a viewing for the Psyche Nighttime necklace.


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