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22191 Powerline Road #12b, Boca Raton, FL 33433

The Eye of the Lion with Chanel Sous le Signe Lion

The Eye of the Lion with Chanel Sous le Signe Lion

Lions have long been a sign of dignity, royalty, and above all else, pristine and precise regality. Chanel has opted to cash in on the majestic personality and standing of the king of the jungle with their new line of lion themed jewelry, the Eye of the Lion. The pieces include brooches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more, all inspired by and featuring the lion. These are not the run of the mill lions that visitors see at the zoo each year, but rather, the highly stylized and overwrought beasts that resemble the Nemean lion that Hercules bested.

These pieces are lavish, beautiful, extravagant, and completely out of the price range of most of the public. These pieces are created with a variety of materials including diamonds, platinum, gold, lapis lazuli, and more. It is safe to say that this collection has at least one piece for everyone as far as taste goes. The collection strives to capture the nature of the lion and the regality that flows from this beast. When one thinks of an animal that is truly regal and royal, the lion comes straight to mind.

Luckily, Chanel made an effort to avoid the rather nasty, scary, and all around messy side of lions a la the Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom and chose rather to show customers that the most royal of beasts can translate beautifully to jewelry. The brand has worked with other big cats like the jaguar and tiger and it is high time that the lion got his place in the sun.

This collection is not yet widely available to the public but some pieces are starting to eek out in to the public sphere for consumption. These pieces are all handcrafted, fantastically made, and meant to dazzle both the wearer and anyone that has the opportunity to get close enough to see them.


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