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Tips for Spotting the Best Offer When Selling Your Jewelry

Tips for Spotting the Best Offer When Selling Your Jewelry

Do you have some jewelry lying around that you never wear or have no use for? If so, then you may want to consider turning that unwanted jewelry into cash in your pocket by selling it. After all, jewelry buyers these days are offering some great prices on gold, silver, and gems. By selling your unwanted jewelry, not only do you clear some space up in your home but you also enjoy receiving some additional cash. This can be used for everyday spending, saved for a rainy day fund, or for any other purpose you desire. The tricky thing about selling jewelry in Boca Raton, however, is that not all jewelry buyers will offer you a fair price.

If you are new to selling jewelry, then you may be feeling understandably apprehensive about trusting jewelry buyers in Boca Raton. After all, aren’t they in this for a profit, too? How can you know you’re getting a fair offer on your jewelry? Fortunately, there are some basic tips you can keep in mind to ensure that you receive a fair offer when selling your jewelry. You should begin by becoming as knowledgeable as possible on the type of jewelry you are looking to sell. From there, you may also want to consult with the trusted Associated of Independent Jewelry Valuers. Finally, it is wise to compare your piece to similar ones that have sold in the past.

Become Educated

While you may not be able to become an expert jewelry appraiser overnight, there is still plenty that you can learn about the type of jewelry you are looking to sell. The Internet, for example, can be a great source for this type of information. Start by gathering up your unwanted jewelry and categorizing it by type. For example, you may wish to categorize by gold, silver, white gold, diamond, etc. From there, do a little research online to see what the current price of that metal or gem is. In general, the price of metals is measured per ounce, so it also a good idea to be aware of how much the jewelry weighs. Purchasing a shipping scale can be a great way to get an accurate estimate of this. Furthermore, price per ounce can vary based on the quality of the metal. For example, higher karat gold will be worth more than lower karat gold.

Once you have a better idea of the current prices of metals and gemstones, you can have a more educated idea as to what to expect when you take your jewelry in to be valued. Furthermore, when you do visit a jewelry buyer, you should make it clear that you have done your research; mention what you have read about online and appear as confident as possible. This will show the buyer that you have done your research and that you will not be taken advantage of.

Consult with the Association of Independent Jewelry Valuers

The Association of Independent Jewelry Valuers (AIJV) is a reputable and well-established organization that consists of a number of highly trained jewelry appraisal experts. This particular organization does not actually buy or sell jewelry directly, so you can rest assured that you will receive a fair and unbiased estimate. The AIJV’s headquarters is located in the United Kingdom, but they have representatives all across the globe. The key is to find a valuer in your area and to schedule an appointment so that you can have your jewelry valued. Consider visiting the official AIJV website here to find out more about the organization and to contact them for more information. By contacting them directly, you should be able to find a valuer in your area.

Compare Prices of Similar Pieces

One of the best ways to determine how much your jewelry could sell for is to take a look at what similar pieces have sold for in the past. There are many websites out there that provide archived databases of these prices, such as the reputable http://www.comparejewellery.com/, There, you can search through over 6,000 different jewelry prices and find one that is a close match to the particular jewelry you are looking to sell. Keep in mind, however, that the price you will be offered for your jewelry will be less than the resale price of it. After all, this is how the jewelry buyer makes money in the first place. Also, the price you are offered for your jewelry can vary based on current trends and the overall quality of your piece. For example, if you have a piece that is older, then it is possible that it is not in as good of shape as some of the pieces you may find on other websites.

Visit More than One Jewelry Buyer

Ultimately, you will want to accept the highest price for your jewelry as you can possibly find. Therefore, it is never a bad idea to visit a few different places to request an offer on your jewelry. This may be a more time consuming process than simply accepting the first offer that you receive, but it will more than likely pay off for you in the end.

When visiting various jewelry buyers in the area of Boca Raton, keep in mind that the appraisal you receive one day may not match up with one you receive a month later. This is because trends in jewelry buying fluctuate on a regular basis. Therefore, once you receive what you believe to be a fair price on a piece of jewelry, you should not delay in accepting the offer. Otherwise, you may risk losing money on your sale.

Research Jewelry Buyers

Finally, reading online reviews of various jewelry buyers can be a great way to get a better idea as to which ones are the best and most reputable places to sell jewelry in Boca Raton. Specifically, you should look for third-party reviews that are verified rather than reviews found on the actual jewelry buyer’s website. This way, you can get a better idea as to where to sell Tiffany & Co. and other jewelry in South Florida without having to worry as much about the possibility of being ripped off in the process. Just be sure to watch out for potentially fake reviews, as some jewelry buyers will pay writers to come up with fabricated positive reviews for their companies.

Overall, selling your jewelry can be a great way to earn some cash while getting rid of unwanted items in your home at the same time. The key is to make sure that you are well educated prior to making the sale so as to ensure that you get the absolute best price. By following the tips listed above, you can enjoy the confidence and peace of mind that comes along with receiving a fair offer on your jewelry. From there, you can use your extra cash for anything you desire while also being able to enjoy the fact that you have recycled some of your old jewelry in the process.


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