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Tag: sell gold jewelry boca raton

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Where To Sell Gold in Boca Raton

High prices and a favorable gold market make it an excellent time to put your old gold jewelry up for sale in Boca Raton. The last few years has seen a dramatic rise in gold prices. Despite a dip in recent months, you can still come out on top by recycling gold pieces you’re not…
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Are Bitcoins Ruining the Price of Gold?

You have probably heard at least something about Bitcoins. Bitcoins are a finite, world-wide currency that that were initially used mainly for underground transactions. Their value is simply based on what people are willing to pay for, or trade for them. In their relatively short lifespan they have seen some volatile swings in prices. As…
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Spring Cleaning: Tips to Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

If the spring-cleaning bug is starting to creep into your thoughts, you know you have a lot of work cut out for you. And while there are an inexhaustible selection of useful articles on how to organize your life, house and family, there isn’t a lot of information about cleaning up the jewelry that clutters…
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