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Tag: Isaac

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Tropical Storm Isaac Won't Put a Damper on our Diamonds

School’s closed, you canoed to work, and you’re fairly certain you’ve gone a little wind deaf. While the weather outlets are depicting the storm of the century, seasoned Floridians know better. And while Tropical Storm Isaac is certainly dropping buckets all over Palm Beach County, we’re glad that this isn’t a more serious storm, and…
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Feature Friday Rolex Submariner: Tropical Storm Isaac Edition

Ah, the final weekend in August. It’s unofficial end of summer (although our temperatures obstinately refuse to recognize seasons), and the last weekend of August leaves us with two options: beach it, or batten down the hatches. Naturally, summer’s end means that hurricane season is about to really get underway, and Isaac insists that this…
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Viral Proposal Videos – Our Favorites

Remember when we shared Isaac’s Lip Dub Proposal? Well, we kind of have a thing for creative, meaningful and beautiful proposals. After all, we get to help our grooms-to-be select and design the perfect engagement rings. We hear their wonderful plans for proposing to their beloved. We get to meet the blushing bride and listen…
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