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22191 Powerline Road #12b, Boca Raton, FL 33433

Spotlight on: Roberto Coin Jewelry

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Spotlight on: Roberto Coin Jewelry

Whether you need a piece for that special anniversary, or you simply enjoy showering the loved one in your life with luxury items, there simply isn’t anything more high class than a Roberto Coin jewelry piece. Between necklaces, watches and bracelets, this jewelry designer has luxury completely covered.

Roberto Coin began his jewelry designing business in 1977 in Vincenza, Italy. Within 20 years, he had developed his designing business into a full-blown luxury brand that no one could miss. Within a few more years, Roberto Coin was considered to be the third best jewelry brand in the world and the best jewelry brand in Italy itself.

Roberto Coin pieces are not only sold here but also sold in seven luxury boutiques around the world, making a Roberto Coin piece a treasured and prized possession. The first boutique was opened in Dubai in 2007, and several other boutiques opened that same year. Other boutique locations include Atlanta, Georgia, Rome, Italy and Macau, China, to name a few.

When people think of Roberto Coin, often the first thing that comes to mind is the signature Ruby stones that he uses in his work. This deep red stone is a favorite among women and men alike, and it is a popular choice since legend has it that a ruby will bring the person wearing it good luck and good fortune. However, there are many other Roberto Coin pieces that you might be interested in. He has created solid gold bracelets as well as beautiful necklaces with diamonds throughout them.

If it is style, luxury and high end design you are looking for, than look no further than Roberto Coin. This brand defines what it means to be an Italian piece of jewelry, and its rarity makes it an even better find.

Catherine C for Raymond Lee Jewelers, premiere fine jewelry and luxury watch boutique and buyer.


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