Spotlight on: The British Crown Jewels

Spotlight on: The British Crown Jewels
Well, Kate certainly scored big when she became the wife to Prince William. I mean, a girl loves diamonds, but jeez Louise, what a girl would do to wear the gorgeous pieces that belong to the collection of the British Crown Jewels! To see the collection in person, take a trip to London and tour the Tower of London, after you get past the Beefeaters, of course. In the Jewel House at the Tower, the Crown Jewels are on display for the millions of individuals to see annually. Meanwhile, here’s a little eye candy to keep you drooling over these fabulous pieces of royal jewelry.
The Cullinan Diamond
Weighing in at a serious 3,106 metric carats, and more than 10 cm long, the Cullinan Diamond is the king of all diamonds. No, really. As the world’s largest diamond to ever be discovered, the Royal Family really show their command by owning this rock. Unearthed in 1905 in South Africa, this sparkling jewel was presented in 1907 to King Edward VII. Today the diamond has been divided into seven parts, two of which are used in the British Crown Jewels. One piece, the Second Star of Africa, is part of the Imperial Crown.
The Imperial Crown
What royal jewelry collection would be complete without a crown? Exactly. So without further ado, the most prized crown in all of the world is the Imperial State Crown. This crown is used in the coronations of the royal family members; it was last used for Queen Victoria. It is covered with more than 3,000 precious stones, which all came from the 17th century Imperial Crown. In addition to the Second Star of Africa, the Imperial Crown is loaded with St. Edward’s Sapphire, the Black Prince’s Ruby, Queen Elizabeth’s Pearls, and the Stuart Sapphire. Quite a colorful collection!
Miranda B for Raymond Lee Jewelers, premiere fine jewelry and luxury watch boutique and buyer.
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