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22191 Powerline Road #12b, Boca Raton, FL 33433


Used IWC Watches – Raymond Lee Jewelers of Boca Raton, FL offers a wide variety of luxury timepieces from brands such as International Watch Company (IWC). Founded in 1983, the business continues to offer only the best service and values for its watches. IWC was founded in 1868 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. In 1903, the official motto of the company became ‘Probus Scafusia’ – “good, solid craftsmanship from Schaffhausen”.

Since 1885, the company has kept detailed records of its sales, in addition to the caliber, materials used, and cases used for each watch. For later models, this also includes reference number, delivery date and the name of the authorized dealer. This has two benefits: one, for a small fee, each customer can obtain information about their watch, as long as the watch is at least 10 years old. Two, the company can repair any watch from that period because of the precise record of its parts.

IWC also publishes a customer magazine four times per year, which features up-to-date stories and articles about the company.

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