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Presenting the Blinged Out Adamas and Aurora Diamond Phones

Presenting the Blinged Out Adamas and Aurora Diamond Phones

Have you ever had that moment of panic where you just left a restaurant or a store, or a club and you can’t find your smartphone? Even if it is found seconds later in a pocket or purse, there is that breathless moment of OMG!

Imagine now, if you had a phone that was worth over $56,000 and you misplaced it. Can you spell h-e-a-r-t a-t-t-a-c-k! Check out the new blinged out Adamas and Aurora mobile phones.

Continental Mobiles has created some limited edition of Adamas and Aurora iPhone 5s out of diamonds and gold. Lots of diamonds.

The Adamas phones have a total of 22 carats adorning them in a salute to one of the master craftsmen of diamonds. The phone is also constructed of yellow gold, and has diamonds virtually everywhere there is space. Rumors have it, Kanye West is considering one for gal pal Kim Kardashian after the impending birth of their child. He’d better hurry, only ten of these phones have been created. That’s barely enough for the Kardashian’s alone.

As if that’s not enough, the Aurora phone goes up another notch. The Aurora is a colorful salute to the Aurora Borealis, and not only uses diamonds, but a wide selection of colorful gemstones. The phone is speckled with red rubies, green emeralds, yellow sapphires, black diamonds and more…22 carats in all. It catches light from every angle, and only five of the devices have been created. The price? Just a hint over $105,000.

Continental Mobile has done this before, though perhaps not at this level.

Now if you did get one of these phones, what is the first thing you would want to do with it? Of course, you would want to take a picture of it! Oops, even a $100,000 phone doesn’t have the capabilities to take a picture of itself.

Better plan on buying two…and get some heart medicine.


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