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Category: Sell Diamonds Boca Raton

Luxury Jeweler & High Dollar Collateral Loans

Thinking of Selling Your Diamonds In Boca Raton?

Selling diamond jewelry in South Florida is no different from trading in a vehicle or redeeming an investment. Not all jewelry is a permanent fixture in your life, and even if it’s a piece that has been passed down through the generations, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to hold onto such an expensive diamond when…
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Art Deco Antique Jewelry

Some describe Art Deco as the transition from traditional to avant garde. From romantic to geometric and industrialization inspired. Lastly, from an accessory to self-conscious art. The bold colors and whimsical representations of objects on rings, pendants and even tiaras, were perhaps inspired by the movement overtaking the art world in the early 20th century.…
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Famous Missing Gemstones

If you’re looking to sell your jewelry in Boca Raton, you may be in for a surprise if you are selling one of these famous gemstones — and they may be lucky for you even though they weren’t so lucky for their previous owners. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other gemstones have long been the sign…
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Selling Diamonds in Boca Raton

There is a reason why cats like shiny things: shiny things are cool. The same can be said for people’s attraction to diamonds. Whether it’s the savvy marketing campaign that has positioned the diamond as the quintessential indicator of undying love, or the opulence that is associated with the gemstone, diamonds have seized our popular…
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ReSelling Diamonds

When it comes to reselling jewelry with diamonds, it’s easy to think that the item will at least earn what was paid for it due to the fact of having diamonds incorporated in the item. Unfortunately, these same sellers learn the hard way that diamonds and diamond jewelry are also subject to the same rules…
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Selling Diamonds in Boca Raton

Individuals who buy or sell diamonds in Boca Raton or the surrounding areas, should know as much as possible about the cut and quality of the diamonds in question. If they have rough cut diamonds and are looking to sell, they must remember that up to 60 percent of the diamond’s total weight can be…
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Diamond Buyers in Boca Raton

What is up with those old diamonds that you have kept away in the drawers? Don’t you think it’s about time you decided to sell them? That is a splendid idea as there are many diamond buyers in Boca Raton. They will be thrilled at the idea of helping you get rid of the unused…
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How to Avoid Sell Diamonds Fast Scams in Boca Raton

The jewelry industry is changing. Diamonds are now being valued by jewelers in a similar fashion as valuing gold. If you have old diamonds and gold, now is the perfect time to sell it. If you have invested in diamonds before, now is the time to earn the returns you have hoped for. Worldwide interest…
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Should You Get an Appraisal Before Selling Diamonds in Boca Raton?

Diamonds are regarded as symbols of treasured memories either for marriage or family heritage. This is where the famous line “Diamonds are forever” is coined because the history of the acquisition of the gem is oftentimes more valuable than the price itself. However, with the rising cost of living and unpredictable turns in the economy,…
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How to Care For Your Diamonds

Diamonds are loved and valued the world over. Taking proper care of your diamonds is the best way of making them last longer. Here are a few tips that any diamond owner in Boca Raton can follow to give your diamonds that extra shine.

Diamond Consumption is up: Good News for Selling Diamonds!

Diamonds are one of the most popular gifts money can buy. Whether it is for an engagement ring or another special occasion, diamonds make a statement that few other gifts can make. In fact, demand for diamonds is increasing dramatically year after year. Despite the financial crisis of 2008 and the global economic slowdown, diamond…
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Tips To Use When You Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The jewelry box in your home is actually one of the greatest treasures that you can look up to. A part from defining your economic status in society, jewelry can also be a wonderful way of preparing for the future. Think about that diamond watch or golden ring that cost almost more than everything else…
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How to Sell Diamonds in Boca Raton

The situation happens more frequently that people want to admit. A happy marriage goes on for decades. Then, a husband passes away or the marriage ends, and the wife finds herself with a property, a stack of bills, and a need to get the estate settled as quickly as possible. The statement that diamonds are…
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Diamond Buyers are a Seller’s Best Friend

It’s hard to know what you have when it comes time to sell your diamonds because unlike gold, the selection process is much more subjective than when you’re attempting to sell bullion. Whereas selling gold merely requires the seller to know the meltdown weights of the metal and do the math, selling your diamonds intelligently…
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Sell Diamonds in Boca

Diamonds are one of the most desirable commodities ever discovered by humanity. They have often served as one of the most prized and valued possessions by families and individuals for generations, and it is easy to understand why. Diamonds are stunningly beautiful, and for many successful marriages, a diamond ring symbolizes the love and bond…
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