131 carat Diamond Discovered in Angola
According to JCK Magazine, a recent diamond found in Angola is making headlines. In its rough form, the white diamond found in Angola measures in at 131.5 carats — making it larger than the famed Koh-I-Noor diamond. This impressive stone is being considered a significant find and likely indicates that there is a kimberlite source in the nearby area.
The 131.5 carat diamond was recovered during a mining concession performed by the company Lonrho Mining. Lonrho Mining is based out of West Perth, Australia and works in conglomeration with the Angola government mining company, Endiama. It is the largest find for Lonrho Mining, which has been mining from diamonds at the site since 2008.
The rock has been dubbed an “incredible” size and is considered to be gem quality — which means this magnificent stone will be cut into an even more magnificent piece of jewelry. What is even more remarkable is the fact that another 38.3 carat stone was found in the same mining concession, which likely will lead to significantly more mining in that general area.
The mining location is known to be in a diamond-rich area of Angola, and it is just under 500 miles from the capital city of Luanda. The company as well as the country itself is excited about the find, and jewelry watchers everywhere will be waiting to see what happens with this beautiful and mysterious diamond. At this point, it has not been determined what the diamond’s color and clarity is, and there has been no price set on how much it will sell for. However, look for news on this stone in the future. It definitely is a headline-making diamond and will continue to make headlines in the weeks and months to come as more is determined about this magnificent stone.
Catherine C for Raymond Lee Jewelers, premiere fine jewelry and luxury watch boutique and buyer.
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